• 3171 Mercer University Drive Macon, GA 31204

  • Pawn a Rolex at Howard’s Pawn & Jewelry

    Pawn a Rolex in Perry or Not?

    When you pawn a Rolex in Per­ry, you will receive a cash loan rel­a­tive to your Rolex’s val­ue. Your watch is the col­lat­er­al for the pawn loan. The pawn shop in Per­ry, GA holds your col­lat­er­al until you pay back your loan. Under­stand that when you pawn a Rolex, you will give it to the pawn shop as col­lat­er­al. The loan amount is the amount of mon­ey you need up to the appraised val­ue of your Rolex. Pawn loans are an agree­ment between you and a pawn­bro­ker. Accord­ing to the agree­ment, you will need to pay the pawn­bro­ker back by a set date. When you repay the loan by the date, you should receive your watch back.


    When you pawn a Rolex, you walk out of the pawn shop with cash and leave your Rolex behind. But why pawn a Rolex in Per­ry when you have oth­er options. When you go to pawn a Rolex, pawn­ing is not the only option. If you do not want to get your Rolex back, you can arrange to sell it instead. Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry in Macon is the best place to sell your Rolex watch.

    Selling Instead of Pawning in Macon

    Whether in Per­ry or Macon, when you go into a pawn shop with a gen­uine Rolex look­ing for cash, you will need to answer a few ques­tions. One of the first ques­tions a pawn shop is going to ask is if you want to pawn or sell your Rolex. What you want to do is your deci­sion. Know­ing what your watch is worth is impor­tant. This infor­ma­tion will help you feel com­fort­able that you are get­ting the best deal.

    Whether you know all the details about your Rolex or not Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry can help you. Maybe you are lucky enough to inher­it a Rolex col­lec­tion. Do not wor­ry about the com­pli­cat­ed process of find­ing a buy­er. Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry is the best place to sell a Rolex or pawn a Rolex for Per­ry pawn shoppers.

    Sell­ing a Rolex at a pawn shop is easy. The pawn shop will inspect, eval­u­ate, and appraise your watch. Then you either agree to sell your Rolex right then or not. You are wel­come to nego­ti­ate polite­ly. How­ev­er, pawn shops tend to know the cur­rent val­ue of Rolex watch­es. Also, pawn shops need to make a prof­it on your Rolex if they agree to buy it. In gen­er­al, you will leave with more cash in hand in Macon than after pawn­ing a Rolex in Per­ry. Read more about pawn­ing dia­mond engage­ment rings.

    Preparing to Pawn a Rolex in Perry

    Before you pawn, a Rolex in Per­ry, gath­er the paper­work and acces­sories that go with it. Bring the orig­i­nal box, papers, and oth­er acces­sories to add val­ue. Also, any after­mar­ket acces­sories or upgrades to your watch are impor­tant. Men­tion any upgrades you have made to the dial, bezel, and bracelet.

    Howard’s Pawn & Jewelry for Rolex

    Before you pawn a Rolex in Per­ry, please give Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry a chance. The short dri­ve to down­town Macon will be worth the trip. Every­one gets a bet­ter deal at Howard’s, no mat­ter where they are from. When you are look­ing for the best of the Macon pawn­shops — look no fur­ther than 3171 Mer­cer Uni­ver­si­ty Dri­ve in Macon, Geor­gia. Come by today! Call Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry at 478–743‑5727 for more infor­ma­tion anytime.