• 3171 Mercer University Drive Macon, GA 31204

  • Where Can I Sell Used Firearms for Top Dollar?

    Are You Looking to Sell Used Firearms in Perry for The Best Price?

    Want to sell used firearms in Per­ry? Well, before you do that, check out Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry in Macon. Known for sat­is­fy­ing cus­tomers with the best deals in Mid­dle Geor­gia, this is more than a typ­i­cal pawn­shop. The selec­tion of firearms for sale is out­stand­ing for buy­ers. Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry is ready to make you a cash offer, pawn deal, or trade-in on firearms of all sorts. Click the links below to see the firearms we sell and to under­stand what used firearms we want from you.

    How to Get the Most for Used Firearms in Perry

    You Can Hag­gle Some, But Be Polite

    At Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry, you will find friend­ly, knowl­edge­able staff. We have a vast selec­tion of hand­guns, shot­guns, rifles, and more. You can hag­gle when sell­ing used weapons, but do not go over­board. If you think our offer is fair, seri­ous­ly con­sid­er tak­ing us up on it. We are known to give the most when it comes to sell­ing used guns. 

    Become a Loy­al Cus­tomer if You Love Our Service

    We love first-time cus­tomers and always wel­come them. Please, come on by our shop today. Once you deal with us you will prob­a­bly become a loy­al cus­tomer! If you love our ser­vice, please refer peo­ple you know to the shop. Tell your refer­rals to men­tion your name. 


    Deliver The Details for Top Dollar

    To get the most val­ue for your used gun, clean it before you bring it in to our pawn shop. Remem­ber to bring every­thing you have that came with your firearms like the orig­i­nal receipt, doc­u­men­ta­tion, box, and papers. When you pawn or sell firearms, pro­vide all the rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion you know about your piece to the shop. These details will help you get more mon­ey. Details about the qual­i­ty, unique attrib­ut­es, famous mak­ers, fam­i­ly his­to­ry, and the like can up val­ue. Includ­ing his­to­ry, doc­u­men­ta­tion, receipts, and acces­sories help present the qual­i­ty of a used gun. Please, car­ry firearms with care and unloaded them before com­ing into our shop. Call if you have ques­tions about the cor­rect way to car­ry your firearm into Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry call (478) 743‑5727.

    Are You in The Market for New or Used Firearm in Perry?

    Please shop in Per­ry first when sell­ing a used gun. Also, check out all the big box stores. It would be best if you came into Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry last. When you make our pawn shop your final stop, we will be sure to offer you the best deal. Remem­ber, when you are ready to sell used firearms in Per­ry, come on down to Macon. You will find guns and more when you shop at Howard’s. We car­ry tac­ti­cal equip­ment, gear, and safe­ty prod­ucts. Whether you want to secure your home or defend your fam­i­ly, we have what you need. Shop for qual­i­ty flash­lights, optics, pep­per spray, and knives for every purpose.

    More Expert Tips to Help You Buy, Sell, and Pawn Guns

    Pawn a Gun at Howard’s Pawn & Jewelry
    Hand­guns Are Priced Right At Howard’s Pawn & Jewelry
    Gun-Buy­ing Tips For First-Time Gun-Buy­ers, Firearm Enthu­si­asts, and You