• 3171 Mercer University Drive Macon, GA 31204

  • Macon Engagement Rings More Scintillation for Your Financial Situation

    Macon engage­ment rings, wed­ding rings, and wed­ding sets of out­stand­ing qual­i­ty are ready for you down­town at Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry. No mat­ter how much you plan to spend this is where to get the most sparkle for your money.

    How much do Georgians spend on average for engagement rings?

    recent report in Busi­ness Insid­er ranked the 50 U.S. states from low­est to high­est based on the aver­age amount of mon­ey peo­ple in that state spent on an engage­ment ring in 2018. Geor­gia ranked 23rd in the U.S. with Geor­gians spend­ing an aver­age of $6,868 for an engage­ment ring. With prices, up to 80% off mall retail jew­el­ry store prices, imag­ine the incred­i­ble Macon engage­ment ring that $6,868 can buy when you shop at Howard’s Pawn and Jewelry.

    Do Not Make the Diamond Shape-Preference Mistake

    Before you give the gift of dia­monds or pre­pare to put a ring on the hand of your beloved with a pro­pos­al, you need to find out which dia­mond shape your one-and-only prefers. Some­times peo­ple who give dia­monds as a gift or along with a mar­riage pro­pos­al do not con­sid­er the receiver’s dia­mond shape pref­er­ence. Do not let this be you. Giv­ing a Mar­quise-cut when to a Cush­ion-cut lover can end up being an uncom­fort­able sit­u­a­tion. Let buy­ers deter­mine carat-weight, clar­i­ty, and col­or, leave cut, and shape pref­er­ences to dia­mond recip­i­ents. This is pecu­liar­ly impor­tant when buy­ing fan­cy-shape engage­ment diamonds.

    What is a Fancy-Shaped Diamond?

    The fan­cy dia­mond shapes include every shape oth­er than round. Round cut dia­monds account for most dia­monds sold today, but fan­cy cuts are gain­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty. These are the fan­cy shapes:

    macon-engagement -ings-fancy-shaped-diamonds

    Take A Second Look at Fancy-Shaped Diamonds

    Elon­gat­ed fan­cy shaped dia­monds cuts like the Pear, Emer­ald, Oval, and Mar­quise of the same carat weight look larg­er than tra­di­tion­al round dia­monds. On top of that, at retail jew­el­ry out­lets, shop­pers save 25% or more when select­ing fan­cy-shaped dia­monds rather than a round stone com­pa­ra­ble in qual­i­ty and size.

    Fancy-Shaped Macon Diamond Engagement Rings

    It is no sur­prise to see fan­cy-shaped dia­monds on the top of an engage­ment ring shop­ping list. In fact, one third are set with fan­cy-shaped dia­monds. Buy­ers love the larg­er look and the low­er price tag. Radi­ant, Princess, and Cush­ion cut are the fan­cy shapes among the most sought-after among trend­set­ters. It is easy to fall for these big glit­ter­ing show­stop­pers espe­cial­ly with their love­able low­er price tags.

    You will always hear dia­mond cut and dia­mond shape terms used inter­change­ably, and this sounds con­fus­ing. Dia­mond cut is an assess­ment of the light per­for­mance of a dia­mond and is based on the pro­por­tion­al­i­ty, sym­me­try, and the over­all sur­face con­di­tion or the pol­ish of its facets. Where­as, the dia­mond shape is deter­mined by the sil­hou­et­ted shape of a stone or its out­er edge outline.

    Cut Determines How a Diamond Sparkles

    A well-cut dia­mond is cut pleas­ing­ly in pro­por­tioned dimen­sions with facets posi­tioned for max­i­mum sparkle and bril­liance. The depth to diam­e­ter ratio sig­nif­i­cant­ly informs a diamond’s beau­ty and price. But every dia­mond shop­per wants to get the most sparkle for their mon­ey. The diamond’s cut most sig­nif­i­cant­ly affects its radi­ance and the way it sparkles.

    Ask the Experts at Howard’s Pawn and Jewelry

    At Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry, Nathan Reed, the Store Man­ag­er and GIA Dia­monds Grad­u­ate, knows why dia­monds sparkle. Three light-reflect­ing prop­er­ties com­bine in the essence of a well-cut-dia­mond. Specif­i­cal­ly, these char­ac­ter­is­tics are extra­or­di­nary bril­liance, fire, and scin­til­la­tion. Dia­mond bril­liance grades the amount of reflect­ed white light. Dia­mond fire mea­sures the amount of light dis­persed into the col­ors of the rain­bow and vibran­cy of those col­ors. Final­ly, scin­til­la­tion is the dra­ma of con­trast between dark and light areas—it is a grade of the sparkle.

    The Only Diamond Shopping Rule You Need

    Look to cut for dia­mond sparkle when decid­ing which dia­mond, you want to buy. A dis­pro­por­tion­ate cut too shal­low or too deep destroys poten­tial dia­mond sparkle reveal­ing sad dull glassy rocks with no fire. Remem­ber this sim­ple shop­ping rule, and do not devi­ate from it when shop­ping for a diamond:

    Buy the best cut grade that you can afford.

    Macon Emgagement Rings

    Select an Engagement Ring, Wedding Ring, or Wedding Set to Celebrate Your Union

    Tra­di­tion­al­ly, an engage­ment ring comes with a mar­riage pro­pos­al and wed­ding rings are part of the “with this ring, I thee wed” part of the wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny. An engage­ment ring can be more ornate than a wed­ding ring or not. Round dia­mond soli­taire engage­ment rings are a tra­di­tion­al choice. A mod­ern cou­ple may choose to exchange match­ing wed­ding bands or dou­ble up on sparkle, with dia­mond infin­i­ty bands to sym­bol­ize their endur­ing love.

    Do You Know The 4 C’s of Diamonds?

    To reach the cor­rect val­u­a­tion of an indi­vid­ual dia­mond requires pre­cise mea­sure­ment and analy­sis of its char­ac­ter­is­tics in four fun­da­men­tal cat­e­gories. Known as the four C’s, carat, col­or, clar­i­ty, and cut round out the four C’s. Carat, col­or, clar­i­ty, and cut as crit­i­cal fac­tors to eval­u­ate dia­mond qual­i­ty and deter­mine dia­mond worth globally.

    For an exact assess­ment, exam­ine a loose dia­mond before it is set. For dia­monds in set­tings, qual­i­ty and val­ue are esti­ma­tions only. Minor vari­a­tions in col­or, clar­i­ty, and weight can have a major impact on val­ue. After set­ting a stone, the deter­mi­na­tion of a pre­cise grade in terms of col­or, size, and clar­i­ty is not pos­si­ble for a grad­er of any skill level.

    Learn More About Cut, Carat, Clarity, and Color

    To learn more about the cut, carat, clar­i­ty, and col­or come by Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry. The jew­el­ry experts at Howard’s will show you the biggest choice of wed­ding sets in Macon. In addi­tion to carat, clar­i­ty, col­or, and cut some appoint the 5th C when it comes to dia­monds. What the final or 5th C stands for is up for debate. It some­times stands for con­fi­dence. The con­fi­dence at play here is in the accu­ra­cy of the dia­mond grad­ing and certification.

    At Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry, the 5th C stands for cost con­fi­dence. Shop with cost con­fi­dence know­ing the dia­monds at Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry are top qual­i­ty priced below retail. When you are plan­ning to exchange wed­ding vows, you can be con­fi­dent that the ring you want will cost less with us.

    Where to Shop for Macon Engagement Rings

    There is only one place to shop the widest selec­tion of engage­ment rings and wed­ding sets in Mid­dle Geor­gia. Of course, Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry is your one-stop-shop when you want the most your mon­ey can buy. For dia­mond wed­ding sets, wed­ding rings, and engage­ment rings see Howard in down­town Macon.