• 3171 Mercer University Drive Macon, GA 31204

  • Top Items Pawnshops Want To Buy, Pawn, And Sell Guaranteed

    What Are The Items Macon Pawnshops Want?

    There are cer­tain items Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry wants to buy, sell, and pawn. They are the best items to pawn or sell for quick cash. How­ev­er, dif­fer­ent items are worth dif­fer­ent cash amounts. Gen­er­al­ly, the more valu­able the item, the high­er the cash loan. Here are the items Macon pawn­shops want cus­tomers to bring into the shop. 

    • Gold and Plat­inum Estate Jew­el­ry 
    • Firearms 
    • Ster­ling Sil­ver Flat­ware, Serv­ing Trays and Pitch­ers 
    • Rolex or Omega Watch­es 
    • Old­er US Coins  
    • Vin­tage Amer­i­can Guitars


    1. Gold and Platinum Estate Jewelry 

    items-macon pawnshops-want-estate-jewelryJew­el­ry items Macon pawn­shops want are spe­cif­ic. We buy and sell gold and plat­inum estate jew­el­ry of any kind. Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry is inter­est­ed in buy­ing and pawn­ing fine estate jew­el­ry for both men and women. Estate jew­el­ry is usu­al­ly vin­tage or antique jew­el­ry. If the pieces are gold or plat­inum, they not only have a cer­tain appeal but are often unbe­liev­ably valu­able. Jew­el­ry is one of the most pop­u­lar items in pawn shops today. Because of their intrin­sic val­ue, pawn­ing a gold and plat­inum estate jew­el­ry can pro­vide a decent pay­out.  

    In the USA, the require­ment to imprint karat mark­ings on pre­cious met­al jew­el­ry has been in place for over one hun­dred years. Karat mark­ings are help­ful in estab­lish­ing the val­ue of estate jew­el­ry. Plat­inum jew­el­ry will be marked to show it is authen­tic. The words “Plat­inum,” “PLAT,“ or “PT” fol­lowed or pre­ced­ed by the num­bers “950” or “999” are com­mon puri­ty marks. As far as the num­bers, they refer to the puri­ty of the plat­inum. “999” is the purest.

    Com­mon imprints on gold jew­el­ry include usu­al­ly sold by the karat. Every­one knows that 24 karat or 24K gold is the high­est form of gold you can get. It’s con­sid­ered pure gold, though again, it’s not 100% pure. Instead, it’s .9999 fine. 

    On Euro­pean estate jew­el­ry, you may see gold karat mark­ings to include 333 for 8 karat gold. 8k gold is 33% pure gold. Like­wise, 9 karat gold is marked 9k or 375. 10 karat gold is marked 10k, 417, or 416. To be marked as gold, jew­el­ry in the USA must be at least 10 karat gold. 12 karat gold marked with 12k or 500 is uncom­mon due to its dull col­or. 14 karat gold will show a 14k mark or 583 or 585. 18 karat gold is imprint­ed 750 or 18k. 22 karat gold will have a 22k, 916, or 917. Final­ly, 24 karat gold, the purest gold, will show 999 or 24k.

    2. Firearms

    Howard’s in down­town Macon is one of the safest places to buy and sell guns in Mid­dle Geor­gia. As fed­er­al­ly reg­is­tered firearms deal­ers, we are required to com­ply with all fed­er­al gun reg­u­la­tions. We also fol­low state and fed­er­al reg­u­la­tions for sell­ing firearms and per­form a full back­ground check before any firearm pur­chase. We ensure that all firearms bought and sold with­in our store are licensed, reg­is­tered, and legal to both sell and own. Please note that we do not accept firearms from minors. Firearms are valu­able, and you can often get a high return from a pawn­shop. On top of that, sell­ing guns to a rep­utable pawn­shop, like Howard’s, is not risky, like meet­ing strangers from Craigslist. All the nec­es­sary paper­work is com­plet­ed in our shop to sell or pawn your guns. You can typ­i­cal­ly get a con­ve­nient cash offer quick­ly if that is what you need.  

    3. Sterling Silver Flatware, Serving Trays and Pitchers 

    items-macon-pawnshops-want-sterling-silverThat old sil­ver­ware set and serv­ing tray gath­er­ing dust in your cab­i­net may be valu­able. We deal with ster­ling sil­ver flat­ware, tea sets, pitch­ers, and serv­ing trays. Only ster­ling sil­ver piques our inter­est, not sil­ver plate. Any­one with ster­ling sil­ver uten­sils sit­ting tar­nished and unused should come by for an appraisal. The word “ster­ling” is present on post-1870 USA ster­ling sil­ver pieces. Before 1870, the sil­ver stan­dard in the USA was coin sil­ver (900/1000) and it con­tains less sil­ver than ster­ling (925/1000). To dis­tin­guish ster­ling sil­ver from sil­ver plate, look for imprints such as of 925/1000 that mean the piece is 92.5 per­cent pure silver.

    4. Rolex or Omega Watches 

    Howard eval­u­ates fine watch­es dai­ly. If you have a brand name watch­es such as Rolex or Omega, we will be hap­py to inspect your watch quick­ly and make an offer imme­di­ate­ly. Typ­i­cal­ly, you can receive pay­ment imme­di­ate­ly. We can give you a quote for your watch, no mat­ter what con­di­tion it is in. Even if your watch is dam­aged or not run­ning, please stop by our shop. Of course, hav­ing the orig­i­nal box and paper­work is ide­al, but it is not a require­ment. We have acquired a rep­u­ta­tion as a trust­wor­thy watch deal­er. And we offer the high­est cash val­ues possible. 

    5. Old U.S. Coins

    These are some of the coin items Macon pawnshops want to buy: 

    • U.S. Mor­gan Sil­ver Dol­lars 1935 and before
    • U.S. Peace Sil­ver Dol­lars 1935 and before
    • U.S. Half Dol­lars 1970 and before
    • U.S. Dimes 1964 and before
    • U.S. Quar­ters 1964 and before

    These are coin items Macon pawnshops do not want to buy: 

    • Lin­coln Pennies
    • Wheat Pen­nies
    • Jef­fer­son Nickels
    • Buf­fa­lo Nickels
    • State Quar­ters
    • Eisen­how­er Dollars
    • Susan B. Antho­ny Dollars
    • Pres­i­den­tial Dollars
    • Saca­gawea Dollars

    7. Vintage American Guitars


    • Gib­son
    • Mar­tin
    • Fend­er
    • Rick­en­backer

    Buy, Trade, Pawn, or Sell in Macon at Howard’s

    When you deal with a respect­ed local fam­i­ly busi­ness, like Howard’s, you can trust their long­stand­ing rep­u­ta­tion. If you want to buy, pawn, trade, or sell any of the items Macon pawn­shops want, stop by Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry. Call Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry at 478–743‑5727.