• 3171 Mercer University Drive Macon, GA 31204

  • Sell Musical Instruments For Cash Today The Easy Way

    Are you wondering where to sell musical instruments in Macon for cash today? 

    Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry is known for giv­ing top dol­lar for used and vin­tage musi­cal instru­ments. You can sell your musi­cal instru­ments in min­utes. For­get about wait­ing weeks for an online auc­tion to end or meet­ing strangers in park­ing lots to make a sale. Take the wait­ing out of sell­ing musi­cal instru­ments in Macon. That is why a pawn shop is the fastest place to sell musi­cal equip­ment and instru­ments. Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry will buy your used musi­cal instru­ments out­right for cash, no has­sle, no waiting.

    What Your Musical Instruments Are Worth?

    In down­town Macon, Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry have a wide selec­tion of musi­cal instru­ments for sale and are always look­ing for musi­cal instru­ments and pro­duc­tion equip­ment to buy. Whether you played it once or are a pro­fes­sion­al orches­tra musi­cian, you can sell your musi­cal instru­ments in Macon at Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry. If your musi­cal instru­ments are gath­er­ing dust, why not see how much cash they are worth. You may be sur­prised by how well musi­cal instru­ments hold their val­ue. Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry has a knowl­edge­able staff with years of expe­ri­ence buy­ing and sell­ing musi­cal instru­ments. For this rea­son, they can pay out as more cash for your musi­cal instru­ments than oth­er stores.

    What Musical Instruments Do You Have To Sell?

    As far as sell­ing musi­cal instru­ments in Macon to Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry, let them see what you have even if it is not explic­it­ly list­ed here. Qual­i­ty musi­cal instru­ments of any kind perk our inter­est. We buy every­thing from acoustic gui­tars, bass gui­tars, dou­ble bass gui­tars, elec­tric gui­tars, and gui­tar amps to harp­si­chords, auto­harps, cel­los, vio­lins, vio­las, man­dolins, ban­jos, ukule­les, sitars, and lutes. We also love to buy your pic­co­los, flutes, pan flutes, French horns, sax­o­phones, trom­bones, trum­pets, and tubas along with clar­inets, bas­soons, oboes, and any oth­er woodwinds.

    Per­cus­sion instru­ments are among the most pop­u­lar items that we buy and sell, includ­ing drums, gongs, drum kits, xylo­phones, cym­bals, mara­cas, cas­tanets, and tam­bourines, tri­an­gles, high hats, and bon­go drums. We will make you an offer for some­what unusu­al musi­cal instru­ments like accor­dions, bag­pipes, and didgeri­doos as well. Look­ing to sell your har­mon­i­ca col­lec­tion, look no fur­ther. We buy musi­cal instru­ment col­lec­tions. We also like to pur­chase pro­duc­tion equip­ment, includ­ing stands, speak­ers, mix­ers, pow­er boards, micro­phones, ampli­fiers, turnta­bles, mix­ing boards, and the like.

    Why Buy Used Musical Instruments?

    Whether you are shop­ping for your first instru­ment or look­ing to add to an exist­ing col­lec­tion, there are con­sid­er­able ben­e­fits at the top pawn shop down­town. When you buy from Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry, musi­cal instru­ments are much less expen­sive than pur­chas­ing new. More­over, many vin­tage instru­ments, like gui­tars and vio­lins, sound bet­ter as they age, after the wood matures and cures. The musi­cal instru­ments we have been well tak­en care of and most are in near-per­fect con­di­tion. When you buy from a rep­utable estab­lish­ment, such as Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry, instru­ments will be of high qual­i­ty. Some of the brands we like to see include Fend­er, Pearl, Yama­ha, Gib­son, Mar­shall, Zild­jian, Les Paul, Lud­wig, Sel­mar, and Baldwin.

    With musi­cal instru­ments, you can try before you buy. That is the only way to be able to deter­mine whether the instru­ment is a fit for you. Please ask for assis­tance with the instru­ments, and we will get what­ev­er you would like to try.

    Buy, Trade, Pawn, or Sell Musical Instruments in Macon at Howard’s

    When you deal with a respect­ed local fam­i­ly busi­ness, like Howard’s, you can trust their long­stand­ing rep­u­ta­tion. Trust that the musi­cal instru­ments on the floor work and sound good unless specif­i­cal­ly not­ed oth­er­wise. Look for the best prices and best pay­outs not only in Macon but also in Mid­dle Geor­gia when you come by Howard’s.

    If you want to buy, pawn, trade, or sell musi­cal instru­ments or band equip­ment, stop by Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry and let us know. Our friend­ly staff is hap­py to talk to you on the phone, too. Call Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry at 478–743‑5727. We will be hap­py to help you locate what you want. Help you trade what you have or make you a cash offer on the spot. Howard’s can also assist you with a cash loan on musi­cal instru­ments if you want to pawn.