• 3171 Mercer University Drive Macon, GA 31204

  • Pawning Jewelry: What To Know Before You Pawn All Wrong

    Pawn­ing jew­el­ry in Macon for a quick loan is an easy way to get fast access to the cash you need. Pawn­ing jew­el­ry at Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry might be the option for you. The best thing about pawn­ing jew­el­ry is that you can get your jew­el­ry back when you pay your loan back on time. It is a win-win. You can get the mon­ey you need and get your jew­el­ry back.

    How much money do you need?

    Before you go into a Macon pawn shop ready to pawn jew­el­ry, fig­ure out how much mon­ey you need to bor­row. Know­ing how much cash you need to make ends meet before you go to the pawn shop is impor­tant. When you know how much you want for your jew­el­ry, Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry will be bet­ter able to help you achieve your goal.


    What jewelry are you interested in pawning?

    Sup­pose you have sev­er­al pieces of jew­el­ry that you might want to pawn. It helps to pri­or­i­tize which jew­el­ry you want to pawn first. You might not want to pawn sen­ti­men­tal pieces first. At the same time, oth­ers may pick jew­el­ry to pawn based on its pawn val­ue. Whether the sen­ti­men­tal val­ue or the pawn val­ue means more to you, of course, is up to you to decide.

    What is your jewelry worth?

    When pawn­ing jew­el­ry in Macon at Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry, you will get a free appraisal of your items. For a pawn loan, the help­ful staff will need to estab­lish the val­ue of your jew­el­ry. Here is where the free eval­u­a­tion comes into play. An appraisal is a nec­es­sary part of the jew­el­ry pawn­ing process. It comes with no oblig­a­tion. The infor­ma­tion you get about your pieces will help you under­stand what your jew­el­ry is worth. You can use this expert eval­u­a­tion to assist you with your jew­el­ry, no mat­ter what you decide to do with it.

    Why should you know what your jewelry is worth?

    When you know the val­ue of your pieces of jew­el­ry, you are at an advan­tage. The advan­tages are sev­er­al. You can select the jew­el­ry you are will­ing to pawn. On top of that, you can bet­ter pre­pare for the amount the pawn shop offers. You may not fore­tell exact­ly how much mon­ey you will get, but you will have a much bet­ter idea. Once you know what your jew­el­ry is worth, you can move ahead, pawn­ing jew­el­ry in Macon with confidence.

    How much time does it take to pawn jewelry in Macon?

    Pawn­ing jew­el­ry in Macon will take less time than you think. It only takes about ten min­utes at the least. And typ­i­cal­ly, no more than thir­ty min­utes to pawn jew­el­ry at Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry. You will need to bring valid iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with you. Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry pays imme­di­ate cash the same day as your pawn. That means that you can get a cash pawn loan for your jew­el­ry fast.

    What type of jewelry is the best to pawn?

    Gen­er­al­ly, ster­ling sil­ver, gold, and plat­inum jew­el­ry are the best to pawn—rings, chains, pen­dants, bracelets, and ear­rings with dia­monds or gem­stones or with­out. You can also pawn high-end watch­es at the Best of The Best Pawn­shop 2020 Win­ner, Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry. Find out why this local pawn shop is the best place to pawn a Rolex in Macon.

    What other Macon pawnshop tips can you share?

    Here are a cou­ple more tips that will help any­one pawn­ing jew­el­ry in Macon.