• 3171 Mercer University Drive Macon, GA 31204

  • Where Can You Pawn a Rolex Watch For The Most Cash?

    Do you want to pawn a Rolex in Macon? 

    Before decid­ing to take your Rolex to a local pawn shop, you have some work to do. Take some time to put in a lit­tle work before you pawn a Rolex in Macon. Read on to get famil­iar with the best prac­tices that will help you pawn a Rolex in Macon with­out get­ting ripped off.


    Where is the best place to pawn a Rolex in Macon? 

    When you pawn an asset, like a Rolex watch, you want to get the best deal. But what can you do to ensure you get the most pawn val­ue? It would be best if you found a pawn­shop with a long­stand­ing rep­u­ta­tion in the com­mu­ni­ty. A shop known for excel­lent cus­tomer ser­vice and repeat busi­ness is an excel­lent place to start. There is such a place in Macon. Look to the local favorite and the Best of The Best Pawn­shop 2020 Win­ner. Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry holds this pres­ti­gious hon­or for ten of the past eleven years. Known for decades to give fair deals, it is obvi­ous that the best place to pawn a Rolex in Macon is Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry. 

    Do you know what your Rolex is worth? 

    When buy­ing, sell­ing, or pawn­ing a used Rolex, it helps to know what the watch is worth. Many fac­tors fac­tor into the val­ue of a pre-owned Rolex. These include Brand, Mod­el Num­ber and Ser­i­al Num­ber, Dial, Mate­ri­als, Box and Papers, Mar­ket Val­ue, Con­di­tion, and Rolex Move­ment. The leg­endary watch­mak­er Rolex is one of the most well-respect­ed brands glob­al­ly, so the brand adds to resale val­ue. The mod­el num­ber and the ser­i­al num­ber of a Rolex are on the watch case where the bracelet con­nects at the 12 o’clock and 6 o’clock posi­tions. These num­bers indi­cate the type of watch, bezel, and mate­ri­als of the watch. The mate­ri­als of the case, bracelet, dial, and bezel are part of a pre-owned Rolex’s over­all val­ue.  

    Have you considered these factors?

    Whether a Rolex has a dia­mond dial or oth­er fac­to­ry gem-encrust­ed ele­ments can sig­nif­i­cant­ly add to the val­ue when you pawn a Rolex in Macon. Any pre-owned Rolex with box and papers has a lev­el of authen­tic­i­ty that adds to the pawn val­ue. The recent­ly sold prices of com­pa­ra­ble Rolex watch online also helps estab­lish cur­rent mar­ket val­ue. The con­di­tion of a Rolex is anoth­er fac­tor that informs its pre-owned resale val­ue. Ascer­tain The con­di­tion of the crys­tal, bracelet, bezel, clasp, case, and move­ment impact val­ue. Notable blem­ish­es and miss­ing parts will detract from the over­all val­ue when you pawn a pre-owned Rolex in Macon. 

    Do you know where to go?

    Pawn­ing a Rolex in Macon is easy at Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry. You can call us at 478–743-5727 first or just come down to the shop. Find us down­town at 3171 Mer­cer Uni­ver­si­ty Dri­ve Macon, Geor­gia 31204. Bring your Rolex with the orig­i­nal box, papers, doc­u­ments, and acces­sories. This includes extra bracelet links and the orig­i­nal receipt. Do not wor­ry if you do not have these extras. The box and papers and such are not required to pawn a Rolex. How­ev­er, as we men­tioned, any of these will add to the val­ue of your watch.

    How does the pawn process work?

    The experts at Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry will exam­ine your watch, ascer­tain its val­ue, give you a free appraisal, and make you a fair offer. The offer and appraisal are free, and you are under no oblig­a­tion at any time to accept the offer. You can pawn, sell, buy, and trade all sorts of valu­ables at Howard’s. From fine jew­el­ry and gold to guns to tools, coins, gold, musi­cal instru­ments, and more.

    How long does it take to pawn a Rolex in Macon?

    It only takes about 10 min­utes. You will need to bring valid iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with you. Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry pays imme­di­ate cash the same day as your pawn. Your Rolex or oth­er pawned items will be kept safe­ly for thir­ty days, or until you have repaid the loan amount, whichev­er comes first. Macon can find not only pawn watch­es at Howard’s but also shop for exquis­ite watch­es from top watch­mak­ers at below retail prices.  at Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry. Learn how to find the per­fect watch with our watch buy­ing tips in our press release enti­tled, Macon, GA Pawn­bro­ker Reveals 5 Impor­tant Fac­tors To Con­sid­er When Pur­chas­ing A Watch.