• 3171 Mercer University Drive Macon, GA 31204

  • Handguns Are Priced Right At Howard’s Pawn & Jewelry

    Macon Handguns At Howard’s Pawn & Jewelry

    Macon hand­guns are avail­able at Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry down­town. This pawn shop/gun store is the place for the widest selec­tion of revolvers, semi-auto­mat­ic pis­tols, der­ringers, and black pow­der hand­guns. On top of the great selec­tion, the prices are fair and com­pet­i­tive. You can buy, sell, pawn, trade hand­guns, rifles, and shot­guns at this Macon gun store. You will find a huge assort­ment of used guns and new firearms to pur­sue. The good news is, Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry does accept trade-ins for new guns. So, trade your gen­tly used firearm in for a new hand­gun on your wish list. Of course, you can place a spe­cial order for mod­els not avail­able in-store or online.


    Revolvers Are Popular Macon Handguns

    Accord­ing to SamuelColt.net,” a revolver is a firearm that holds its ammu­ni­tion in a cylin­der con­tain­ing mul­ti­ple cham­bers that auto­mat­i­cal­ly rotate as the user fires the shots. The mod­ern ver­sion of the revolver was invent­ed by the famous Amer­i­can indus­tri­al­ist Samuel Colt in 1836.” Revolvers are either sin­gle-action or dou­ble-action. One thing that makes revolvers pop­u­lar Macon hand­guns is that not much can go wrong unless there is a cat­a­stroph­ic mal­func­tion: the round fires, the cylin­der advances, and the next round fires.

    Single-Action or Double-Action

    To fire a Sin­gle Action (SA) revolver, cock the ham­mer back man­u­al­ly to shoot. Pulling the trig­ger releas­es the ham­mer and fires one round. Pulling the trig­ger back in a sin­gle-action revolver can­not cock the ham­mer. The ham­mer must be cocked in order to pull the trig­ger. Sin­gle-action-dou­ble-action (SA-DA) revolvers still have an exposed ham­mer that can be cocked, facil­i­tat­ing either shoot­ing mode. Oth­er hand­guns have an enclosed mech­a­nism in the body of the firearm and are dou­ble-action-only (DAO).

    Sin­gle-action capa­bil­i­ty is typ­i­cal­ly the pref­er­ence of hunters or com­pet­i­tive shoot­ers who need to be accu­rate. This is because it takes less effort to drop the ham­mer with the trig­ger in SA mode. Thus, the trig­ger pull is crisp and short. By con­trast, when you fire the weapon with the ham­mer down, pulling the trig­ger through both phas­es of the action, the trig­ger pull is longer and grittier. 

    Trigger Pull

    A dou­ble-action ham­mer-fired weapon requires you to either man­u­al­ly cock the ham­mer or engage in a longer trig­ger pull to cock the ham­mer and fire the pis­tol. If you choose this method, the trig­ger pull is heav­ier and can be dif­fi­cult to com­plete. How­ev­er, after you get the first shot off, every sub­se­quent shot is sin­gle-action if you’re shoot­ing a semi-auto­mat­ic firearm. How­ev­er, with a sin­gle-action pis­tol, the ham­mer is auto­mat­i­cal­ly cocked when you rack the slide. Dou­ble Action-Sin­gle Action (DA/SA) hand­guns work in DA or SA mode. The first trig­ger pull is DA. The trig­ger is hard­er to pull back in DA mode than in SA mode. After the first DA trig­ger pull, the fol­low­ing trig­ger pulls are SA. SA pulls are short­er and eas­i­er, and this mode stays in place until the firearm is emp­ty or decocked.

    Sin­gle Action Only (SAO) means that you can only fire the weapon in sin­gle-action mode. Typ­i­cal­ly, the term SAO refers to pis­tols. SAO ham­mer-fired pis­tols must always have the ham­mer back to fire. Dou­ble Action Only (DAO) means that you can only fire the weapon in dou­ble-action mode. Typ­i­cal­ly, the term DAO describes pistols. 

    Howard’s Pawn & Jewelry For New And Used Macon Handguns

    The selec­tion and pric­ing of new and used Macon hand­guns at Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry can­not be beat­en. It is the best in the Mid­dle Geor­gia area. Look for impres­sive well-known brands like Glock, Sig Sauer, Beretta, Spring­field, and Tau­rus. From .22 cal­iber pis­tols to .50 cal­iber revolvers, there are hand­guns for every­one. Shop for Macon hand­gun acces­sories, includ­ing hol­sters, optics, mag­a­zines, ammu­ni­tion, tar­gets, and more too. Con­tact us or stop by our pawn shop to pur­chase a hand­gun, sell a hand­gun, or pawn a hand­gun for a cash loan. Check our gun-buy­ing tips and tricks.