• 3171 Mercer University Drive Macon, GA 31204

  • Get Top Dollar for Gold at Pawn Shops in 5 Steps

    Are Forsyth Pawn Shops the Best Place to Pawn Gold?

    Are Forsyth pawn shops the best place to pawn gold? That depends on what best means to you. Is the best place to pawn gold in Forsyth, GA is the clos­est place to your home? Maybe the best Forsyth pawn shops are the ones you have used for years. We do not know, and that is your choice. But we think the best place to pawn gold is where you get the most cash for it. It is sim­ple, then. Howards Pawn & Jew­el­ry is the best place to pawn gold. Whether you pawn your gold, the steps below will help you get the most for it.


    Get Top Dollar for Gold at Pawn Shops in 5 Steps

    1. Only Deal with Reputable Pawn Shops

    The state should license any legit­i­mate pawn­bro­ker and any Forsyth pawn shops to buy and sell gold. You can ask to see the licens­ing if you feel uneasy. Also, rep­utable pawn shops, like Howards Pawn & Jew­el­ry, will ask you for a valid form of gov­ern­ment iden­ti­fi­ca­tion when sell­ing or pawn­ing gold. This prac­tice helps to pre­vent the sale of stolen gold. Anoth­er way to check out Forsyth pawn shops and oth­er pawn places is to see how their rep­u­ta­tion looks online. Read reviews and scan their social media pages and web­site to see whether you want to pawn gold with them or not.

    2. Avoid Fly-by-Night Pop-Up Gold Buyers

    For cus­tomers of Forsyth pawn shops, we rec­om­mend tak­ing a safe­ty-first approach to pawn­ing gold. Beware of the trav­el­ing gold buy­ers that claim to pay top rates. These are risky sit­u­a­tions to avoid, no mat­ter what. These shady gold buy­ers do not have a store­front or shop. Instead, you will find these peo­ple set up in a hotel room or tem­po­rary office space. Gen­er­al­ly, these gold buy­ers do not stay around long because their bad rep­u­ta­tion even­tu­al­ly catch­es up with them when they do. Chances are, you will nev­er get the best deal on your gold pawn from a crazy set­up like this. Instead, stick to a local­ly owned pawn shop with a long-stand­ing rep­u­ta­tion for qual­i­ty ser­vice. You can­not go wrong by fol­low­ing that advice.

    3. Try Forsyth Pawn Shops, Then Pawn at Howards Pawn & Jewelry

    When you have gold to pawn, it is best to vis­it more than one local pawn shop. You can get appraisals from jew­el­ry stores, we buy gold places, and pawn shops, too. The process takes leg­work and time but will pan out in the end in most cas­es. Use the var­i­ous offers you get to your advan­tage. Lever­age the appraisals from shop to shop to get the best deal. After shop­ping around at dif­fer­ent Forsyth pawn shops and jew­el­ers, you may be unsure where you can get the most val­ue for your pre­cious gold. Bring all your Forsyth pawn shop offers to the best Macon pawn shop. That is us, Howards Pawn & Jewelry.

    4. Check the Current Gold Price Right Before Pawning

    Gold prices fluc­tu­ate, like stock prices do, through­out the day. There­fore, from day to day and week to week, gold prices can vary wild­ly. Of course, it is best to pawn gold at Forsyth pawn shops when gold prices are at their peak. You can eas­i­ly find the cur­rent price of gold online. Recent­ly, the gold spot price reached $1 788.00 per troy ounce. That equals a gold price of $57.49 per gram and $89.40 in pen­ny­weight. This may seem unclear and confusing.

    5. Understand Gold Weights and Measurements

    Here are some things that may make you more con­fused. But we hope this clears things up. First, gold weight is usu­al­ly mea­sured out in pen­ny­weights. One pen­ny­weight equals 1.555 grams. Sec­ond, when you see gold prices per ounce, these are Troy ounces. A stan­dard ounce is 28 grams. But one Troy ounce is 31.1 grams. Why is this impor­tant? It is easy to dupe unsus­pect­ing cus­tomers into pawn­ing and sell­ing their gold for much less than it is worth.

    5. Watch the Scale and Compare Weights

    Under­stand­ing gold weight mea­sure­ments and how much weight you have to pawn is a huge ben­e­fit for you. How­ev­er, there is one sure way to pro­tect your­self against any weigh­ing errors when pawn­ing. First, weigh your gold on a dig­i­tal scale at home. Then, use an online con­vert­er to con­vert your gold weights to pen­ny­weights and Troy ounces. Also, make sure the Forsyth pawn shops you vis­it have their scale in full view as they weigh your gold. If the weight in the pawn shop does not match what you got at home, some­thing is fishy.

    Howards Pawn & Jewelry Pays More for Gold

    Forsyth pawn shops are not the best place to pawn gold because Howards Pawn & Jew­el­ry pays and loans more. How­ev­er, it is worth the twen­ty-minute dri­ve to down­town Macon to get the best val­ue for your gold. Our pawn shop is at 3171 Mer­cer Uni­ver­si­ty Dr, Macon, GA 31204. You can­not miss it. Avoid any chance of deal­ing with a crooked pawn shop and come in to see us today. You will get the best deals on jew­el­ry, gold, guns, and more here. Call Howards Pawn & Jew­el­ry at 478743?5727 for more infor­ma­tion anytime.