• 3171 Mercer University Drive Macon, GA 31204

  • How To Sell Gold Today For Immediate Cash

    Are you ready to sell gold in Macon? 

    Sup­pose you have old gold jew­el­ry that is bro­ken or just out of style, it is time to sell gold in Macon. Most peo­ple have some real gold lying around the house some­where. It might be an old gold chain from the 1980s that is bro­ken and gath­er­ing dust or a class ring from high school. With the price of gold as high as it has been in about ten years, even a lit­tle gold is valu­able. So, stop hang­ing on to that col­lec­tion of ran­dom 14KT gold ear­ring backs. Sell while the price is high and get the most cash for your gold.


    Where To Sell Gold In Macon

    If the gold-sell­ing process seems process seems con­fus­ing, there are hon­est, depend­able gold buy­ers in Macon. Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry is the place to sell gold in Macon. We will give you an excel­lent deal on your gold jew­el­ry and gold coins. Please come by our pawn shop at 3171 Mer­cer Uni­ver­si­ty Dri­ve in Macon, Geor­gia. Come by the shop with your 10k, 14k, and 18k gold. We want to see any gold jew­el­ry, includ­ing rings, ear­rings, chains, bracelets, charms, and watches.

    Bring It All At Once

    You will always get a bet­ter deal when you sell gold in Macon the more you sell at one time. So, gath­er all the gold you want to sell and bring it in togeth­er. You will get more cash per gram in one go, rather than split­ting up your gold into sev­er­al dif­fer­ent transactions.

    Where To Pawn Gold In Macon

    At Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry, you can sell your gold in Macon. But, remem­ber, you can also pawn gold with us, and we sell gold, too. We have a huge selec­tion of gold jew­el­ry wait­ing for you. From gold wed­ding rings to heavy gold chains for men to gold watch­es and more. You will find yel­low gold and white gold jew­el­ry here, also. Whether it is in good shape or not, when you have gold jew­el­ry to sell in Macon for an imme­di­ate cash pay­out, go to Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry. We will give you the best price.

    Avoid Online Gold Buying Websites

    Sell­ing gold online is not a sim­ple process. It isn’t very easy, and we do not rec­om­mend it. First, you will have to ship your gold to the online buy­er before get­ting paid any cash. Things do get lost in the mail. You do not want your gold to be lost. Sup­pose you mail your gold and the online buy­er makes you an offer. It will be at least 2 or 3 days lat­er when you see any mon­ey. What’s worse, the pay­ment will be by check or bank trans­fer. When you do not like their offer, expect to pay a fee to get your gold sent back to you. It is not worth it. Always sell gold in Macon locally.

    Bring The Extras

    When you sell your gold, it helps to bring receipts, box­es, and oth­er acces­sories if you have them. For instance, a gold wed­ding band with the orig­i­nal receipt, box, bag, and appraisal will fetch more cash than with­out. The “box and papers” add authen­tic­i­ty to the jew­el­ry and make it eas­i­er to sell.

    Sell Your Gold Today

    With the price of gold, sell­ing old gold jew­el­ry for quick cash is easy. It may shock you to find out how much your old jew­el­ry is worth. Howard’s Pawn & Jew­el­ry is the place to sell gold in Macon. You will get a fair price here.