• 3171 Mercer University Drive Macon, GA 31204

  • The Best Tool Prices Are Always At The Local Pawnshop

    Where Are The Best Tool Prices in Macon?

    The best tool prices in Macon are not at the local home improve­ment ware­house store. Next time you want a great deal on a tool for a week­end project, bypass the big box stores. Head to down­town for the best tool prices in Macon at Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry. As far as the selec­tion, some tools are used or pre-owned, and oth­ers are new. Of course, the inven­to­ry is for­ev­er chang­ing as cus­tomers pawn and sell their tools and instru­ments at Howard’s Pawn and Jewelry.

    What Tools Are For Sale At Pawnshops?

    You might think that pawn­shop tools are of low qual­i­ty by no-name man­u­fac­tur­ers. That could not be fur­ther from the truth. Expect to see top-qual­i­ty equip­ment includ­ing chain­saws to cord­less drills to pneu­mat­ic tools, com­pres­sors, gen­er­a­tors, and pow­er tools galore from Hilti, Snap-On, Fes­tool, BOSCH, DeWALT, Maki­ta, Mil­wau­kee, and oth­ers of com­pa­ra­ble nature. Along with trade-spe­cif­ic tools and equip­ment from Plumbers, Elec­tri­cians, Machin­ists, Land­scap­ers, Welders, and oth­er tradespeople.

    Why Rent When Pawnshop Tools Are A Better Deal?

    Sup­pose you are plan­ning to turn to the tool rental counter, take a moment and come by the pawn­shop first. Why is this a great idea? Three rea­sons. One is the price. Chances are you can buy what you need for about the cost of rent­ing. Two, you nev­er have to have the tool back by a spe­cif­ic time. Few things are worse than real­iz­ing you under­es­ti­mat­ed how long you need a rent­ed tool. You can either go over bud­get with unex­pect­ed rental fees or return­ing it and try to make it work, adding untold hours and frus­tra­tion to your work. Pawn­shop tools are yours to have and to hold with no annoy­ing return dead­lines. That brings us to num­ber three, fin­ish your project, then take the tools back to Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry. Yes, it is true. Recoup project costs by sell­ing the pawn­shop the tools you just bought from that same pawn­shop. Genius. It goes with­out say­ing that Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry is under no oblig­a­tion to buy back or re-pawn tools. Still, gen­er­al­ly, if the item is in the same con­di­tion, it is not a problem.

    Why Not Pawn or Sell Your Unwanted Tools?

    The pawn­shop is also a place to sell and pawn tools in your shed that you do not use any­more. What is even bet­ter is trad­ing your unwant­ed tools for tools that make your heart sing. You may be sur­prised at what old tools are worth. Famil­iar brands like Bosch, DeWalt, and Stihl lead the indus­try, which com­mands a high price. Main­tained tools can last decades, and they hold their value.

    What is Seasonal Tool Pawning?

    Whether you are a pro­fes­sion­al trades­man or sea­son­al ser­vice provider, you need expen­sive equip­ment to do qual­i­ty work quick­ly. Buy­ing every­thing you need at once is impos­si­ble for most small busi­ness­es. Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry is the part­ner your busi­ness needs to get ahead. More­over, in the off-sea­son, use your equip­ment and tools as col­lat­er­al for short-term loans to make ends meet when busi­ness is slow. The friend­ly staff at Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry loves to make long-term con­nec­tions with cus­tomers. Many suc­cess­ful sea­son­al busi­ness­es pawn and reclaim tools for funds rather than deal with bank loans. At this pawn­shop, you not only get more for tools on pawn but also get more for the mon­ey when you buy.

    Where Can I Get The Best Tool Prices in Macon Today?

    When you need to buy or sell tools or obtain a loan using equip­ment you own, stop by and see us. Cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion is pri­or­i­ty one at fam­i­ly-owned Howard’s Pawn and Jew­el­ry. Our expert team will help you get the best tool prices in Macon on pow­er tools, hand tools, auto­mo­tive tools, air tools, and com­pres­sors from top tool man­u­fac­tur­ers like Mil­wau­kee, Maki­ta, Fein, and Wern­er. We also pawn, buy, sell, and trade col­lectibles, guns, and jew­el­ry, espe­cial­ly engage­ment rings.